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6 Signs It Might Be Time to Sell Your Home in Kansas City

Are you experiencing uncertainty about selling your home? Here are some signs that indicate it might be the right time to sell your home in Kansas City.

6 Signs It Might Be Time to Sell Your Home in Kansas City

1. You Need More Space!

Whether your family has expanded or your belongings have multiplied, feeling cramped is a clear sign that it’s time to consider moving. As your family grows, the need for more space becomes inevitable. This extra space is not only for accommodating more people but also for storing all the additional belongings. Perhaps you are now working from home and require a dedicated office space for increased productivity. Do you dream of having a personal sanctuary like a man cave or a she shed but lack the space? Whatever your motivation, if you find yourself constrained in your current residence and adding an extension is not a viable option, it may be the right time to start looking for a new home!

2. Empty Nest

Alternatively, if your children have flown the nest or your current home feels overly spacious, it could be the right moment to consider transitioning to a smaller residence. Downsizing to a cozier home not only reduces maintenance responsibilities but also leads to savings on utility bills and property taxes. Clearing out years of accumulated belongings can offer significant stress relief and potentially generate extra income through an estate sale. As you age, the task of cleaning a large house and maintaining an extensive yard can become quite overwhelming.

3. Your Community Has Changed

Upon moving in, the neighborhood was serene, with only a handful of families. Fast forward to today, major roads intersect the area, a bustling coffee shop now graces the corner, and the streets are abuzz with people and traffic! Perhaps crime rates have surged, or the introduction of contemporary homes has impacted your property taxes. Are you bound by a strict HOA in your community? If you’re not absolutely enamored with the neighborhood you call home, it might be time to consider relocating to a place that truly resonates with you!

4. You Can’t Stand The Weather

Are you tired of constantly complaining about the weather? Whether it’s the heat and humidity or unexpected snow in May, living in a climate that doesn’t suit you can be frustrating. Don’t waste another minute in a place that makes you unhappy. It’s time to sell your current home and relocate to a region where you can truly enjoy the weather all year round!

5. Capital Gains

Experience the remarkable surge in home prices in Kansas City over recent years. Seize the moment by selling your home now to potentially receive up to $250,000 in tax-free capital gains, a benefit available to homeowners who have resided in the property for the last two years. If there is joint ownership of the property, the potential capital gains increase to an impressive $500,000 that can be acquired tax-free.

6. You Are Spending More Time Commuting Than With Your Family

Spending time with your friends and family is so important in maintaining your happiness. Commute times are longer than ever and people are spending hours a day in their vehicle or on public transport. In the long run, missing out on quality time, and feeling stress to get home before the kids fall asleep, aren’t the kind of memories most people want to make. Moving closer to your job will save you time, money and lower your stress levels!

Have you been thinking about selling your Kansas City home? We can answer all your questions and let you know what to expect! Fill out this form to send us an email, or give our office a call today! 816-237-0869

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